Give YOURSELF Edie’s Advice
Recently Dr. Eger was recording a video, working with one of the coaches ( Dr. Azi Jankovic) for the upcoming LIVE! version of Unlocking Your Potential. (More coming soon about this - VERY EXCITING!)
They were discussing modalities for helping patients work on relationships with their children. Within the conversation, Dr. Azi asked Dr. Eger a personal question: “What do you recommend for creating the best relationship between me and my children?” Dr. Azi asked.
Make sure this includes a part about what Dr. Eger is doing is awakening with us our own guiding light, the part of ourselves that we can trust, that can help guide us towards the future we seek - to be free. When she says, what would I tell you, for those of you using her practices and embodying her wisdom, she’s really asking you to tune into the truth you already know about yourself. You already have the answer. You already have the key to the prison in your mind - it’s in your pocket.
When asked what Dr. Eger would recommend, there was a very unexpected response.
Dr. Eger said, “Imagine you are me and I am you. What would you say to YOU if you were ME?
Essentially, what wisdom would you tell yourself to help you do your best? The wisdom that is already inside of you.
Now this really was a powerful concept, and was a powerful moment for the interviewer. Dr. Eger was demonstrating that at some point, the “patient” already knows the deeper wisdom that they need to hear. Therefore the guiding principal was to share aloud in the session what wisdom you would give yourself. And by imagining YOU are Dr. Eger… you can channel her wisdom, and see what you need to hear from HER.
And so this practice comes from the couch of Dr. Eger…. to you.
PREP : Find yourself in a comfortable place with as few distractions as possible. Have a notebook and pen with you.
THE PROCESS : (We recommend reading this all the way through, and then doing it after becoming familiar with the process.)
You’ll begin by taking 3 deep breaths in, hold for 3 seconds, then slow release for 3 seconds. We do this to center your thoughts and quiet your mind and body so that you are present in your being.
Imagine yourself floating in space, surrounded only by stars, with the earth sparkling down below. You are warm, comfortable and weightless.
As you are here floating effortlessly and you have a deep sense of calm and strength…Let calm and strength fill up your body.
Now let your mind focus on a time in your past that is still bothering you, you feel is blocking you from moving forward in your life.
Take a look from the outside of that event - you are up in the stars after all. See it far down below you.
Now zoom in closer. The scene becomes crystal clear. See that scene unfolding…. what are you doing? Who are you with? What is happening? (Write these down in your notebook.)
You are still watching from above, as Edie would say - “You are looking at the fishbowl, you are not IN the fishbowl.” What happened in that moment that has kept you hostage? How was your life forever changed from this moment? (Write this down in your notebook.)
Now that you have seen this memory, it is time to zoom back out. Bring your consciousness back up into space, with you on your space walk, and see how far away that world is below you, and how comfortable and effortless you are now in this astral space.
Here comes the fun part - Imagine you are floating and over to you floats… Dr. Eger - also in her super cozy spacesuit - floating right over to you.
As she sees you Edie gives you her signature wry smile, and floats to you, grabbing your hand. She tells you that you are OK now, and that you are far removed from that troubling event in your past. It is in the past, and you are safe now.
AND… then she tells you something that gives you the freedom you have been seeking. She says this thing, the thing you have been looking to hear from someone your whole life, since that troubling event.
What does she say to you? She looks you right in the eye, and says this to you. Just the thing you needed to hear. Listen for what emerges.
Perhaps she says : “The struggle has made you stronger,” or “If you knew then what you know now you would have done things differently.” or “self love is self care, its not narcisistic” or she might whisper to you, “walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but don’t set up house there, keep moving”….or does she say something totally unexpected? LISTEN… FEEL… then write it down in your notebook.
When she has finished, repeat the words she has said to you out loud. Say it a few times, let it sink in, and let yourself truly FEEL what she said, and realize that her advice and wisdom is now in you, forever changing your relationship to your past.
Now you wave goodbye to Edie in her spacesuit, and she gives you a wink and smile, and you float and swim your way back through the atmosphere, through the clouds, past an airplane past a ballon, past the tree tips, and finally down to Earth. Find your home on the planet and go all the way down, through the chimney, or the window, and there you see YOU. Sitting comfortably. Slip back inside of that you.
Take one more deep breath, ahhhhhhhh and let it all out.
Now open your eyes, and look around you. Can you remember what Edie said to you?
Open your notebook, and write it down. And perhaps write down your experience, what you learned and how it was being up there in space with Edie.
And as you in real time look at the words Edie spoke to you… just to you - Acknowledge that this has been inside of YOU all along. That you are all you ever needed - and that as you find yourself in troubled water again, you can always jump outside the fishbowl and spend a few minutes with the Edie that already lives inside you.